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- /* WaveTableStorageDisplay.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "WaveTableStorageDisplay.h"
- #include "Array.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- struct WaveTableStorDispRec
- {
- NumBitsType NumBits;
- long FramesPerTable;
- ArrayRec* TableArray; /* of largefixedsigned[]'s */
- };
- /* create a new, empty wave table storage display object */
- WaveTableStorDispRec* NewWaveTableStorDisp(NumBitsType NumBits, long NumFrames)
- {
- WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp;
- ERROR((NumBits != eSample8bit) && (NumBits != eSample16bit),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "NewWaveTableStorDisp: bad number of bits"));
- ERROR((NumFrames != 2) && (NumFrames != 4) && (NumFrames != 8) && (NumFrames != 16)
- && (NumFrames != 32) && (NumFrames != 64) && (NumFrames != 128)
- && (NumFrames != 256) && (NumFrames != 512) && (NumFrames != 1024)
- && (NumFrames != 2048) && (NumFrames != 4096) && (NumFrames != 8192)
- && (NumFrames != 16384) && (NumFrames != 32768) && (NumFrames != 65536),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"NewWaveTableStorDisp: bad number of frames"));
- StorDisp = (WaveTableStorDispRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(WaveTableStorDispRec),
- "WaveTableStorDispRec");
- if (StorDisp == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return NIL;
- }
- StorDisp->NumBits = NumBits;
- StorDisp->FramesPerTable = NumFrames;
- StorDisp->TableArray = NewArray();
- if (StorDisp->TableArray == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)StorDisp);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- return StorDisp;
- }
- /* dispose of the wave table storage object */
- void DisposeWaveTableStorDisp(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp)
- {
- long Limit;
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(StorDisp->TableArray);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)ArrayGetElement(StorDisp->TableArray,Scan));
- }
- DisposeArray(StorDisp->TableArray);
- ReleasePtr((char*)StorDisp);
- }
- /* get the number of frames per table */
- long WaveTableStorDispNumFramesPerTable(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- return StorDisp->FramesPerTable;
- }
- /* get the number of tables */
- long WaveTableStorDispNumTables(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- return ArrayGetLength(StorDisp->TableArray);
- }
- /* get the number of bits for the wave table */
- NumBitsType WaveTableStorDispNumBits(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- return StorDisp->NumBits;
- }
- /* change the number of bits for the wave table */
- void SetWaveTableStorDispNumBits(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp,
- NumBitsType NewNumBits)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- ERROR((NewNumBits != eSample8bit) && (NewNumBits != eSample16bit),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "SetWaveTableStorDispNumBits: bad number of bits"));
- StorDisp->NumBits = NewNumBits;
- }
- /* get a reference to a table. this is NOT copied, and there is no type information. */
- /* The last element is a repeat of the first, and is provided for making anti-aliasing */
- /* more efficient. */
- largefixedsigned* WaveTableStorDispGetTable(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp,
- long Index)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- ERROR((Index < 0) || (Index >= WaveTableStorDispNumTables(StorDisp)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"WaveTableStorDispGetTable: index out of range"));
- return (largefixedsigned*)ArrayGetElement(StorDisp->TableArray,Index);
- }
- /* append a new (zeroed out) table to the end of the array */
- MyBoolean WaveTableStorDispAppendEntry(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp)
- {
- largefixedsigned* NewSlice;
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- NewSlice = (largefixedsigned*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(largefixedsigned)
- * (StorDisp->FramesPerTable + 1),"WaveTableStorDispRec slice");
- /* + 1 used for the antialiasing slot */
- if (NewSlice == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return False;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(StorDisp->TableArray,NewSlice))
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)NewSlice);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < StorDisp->FramesPerTable + 1; Scan += 1)
- {
- PRNGCHK(NewSlice,&(NewSlice[Scan]),sizeof(NewSlice[Scan]));
- NewSlice[Scan] = 0;
- }
- return True;
- }
- /* put a value into a frame in a table */
- void WaveTableStorDispSetFrame(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp,
- long TableIndex, long FrameIndex, largefixedsigned Value)
- {
- largefixedsigned* TheSlice;
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- ERROR((TableIndex < 0) || (TableIndex >= WaveTableStorDispNumTables(StorDisp)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"WaveTableStorDispSetFrame: table index out of range"));
- ERROR((FrameIndex < 0) || (FrameIndex >= StorDisp->FramesPerTable),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"WaveTableStorDispSetFrame: frame in table index out of range"));
- TheSlice = WaveTableStorDispGetTable(StorDisp,TableIndex);
- PRNGCHK(TheSlice,&(TheSlice[FrameIndex]),sizeof(TheSlice[FrameIndex]));
- TheSlice[FrameIndex] = Value;
- if (FrameIndex == 0)
- {
- PRNGCHK(TheSlice,&(TheSlice[StorDisp->FramesPerTable]),
- sizeof(TheSlice[StorDisp->FramesPerTable]));
- TheSlice[StorDisp->FramesPerTable] = Value; /* anti-aliasing loopback value */
- }
- }
- /* get a value from a frame in a table */
- largefixedsigned WaveTableStorDispGetFrame(WaveTableStorDispRec* StorDisp,
- long TableIndex, long FrameIndex)
- {
- largefixedsigned* TheSlice;
- CheckPtrExistence(StorDisp);
- ERROR((TableIndex < 0) || (TableIndex >= WaveTableStorDispNumTables(StorDisp)),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"WaveTableStorDispGetFrame: table index out of range"));
- ERROR((FrameIndex < 0) || (FrameIndex >= StorDisp->FramesPerTable),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"WaveTableStorDispGetFrame: frame in table index out of range"));
- TheSlice = WaveTableStorDispGetTable(StorDisp,TableIndex);
- PRNGCHK(TheSlice,&(TheSlice[FrameIndex]),sizeof(TheSlice[FrameIndex]));
- return TheSlice[FrameIndex];
- }
- /* make a duplicate of the wave table */
- WaveTableStorDispRec* WaveTableStorDispDuplicate(WaveTableStorDispRec* Original)
- {
- WaveTableStorDispRec* Copy;
- long Limit;
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(Original);
- Copy = (WaveTableStorDispRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(WaveTableStorDispRec),
- "WaveTableStorDispRec");
- if (Copy == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return NIL;
- }
- Copy->NumBits = Original->NumBits;
- Copy->FramesPerTable = Original->FramesPerTable;
- Copy->TableArray = NewArray();
- if (Copy->TableArray == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Copy);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(Original->TableArray);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- char* Temp;
- Temp = CopyPtr((char*)ArrayGetElement(Original->TableArray,Scan));
- if (Temp == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- Limit = ArrayGetLength(Copy->TableArray);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)ArrayGetElement(Copy->TableArray,Scan));
- }
- DisposeArray(Copy->TableArray);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- SetTag(Temp,"WaveTableStorDispRec: slice");
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(Copy->TableArray,Temp))
- {
- FailurePoint3a:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Temp);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- }
- return Copy;
- }